You are having a great time at the event, and you would like to continue your conversation with the people you connected with. You might consider just adding them on social media, on LinkedIn, or in emails. But most of the time this means to start the connection all over again on a new platform, and this kind of connection doesn't always work.

With PinChat, you can simply start the connection in Hopin by clicking on a link or button. Start your chat during the event and continue it after the event ends without having to go to another platform, adding friends, and starting the conversation again.

<aside> πŸ’‘ Best for event organizers, event exhibitors


Table of Contents

How to start

Get your link on PinChat in seconds

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Once you get your PinChat link, you can customize it, copy your link, and then go to Hopin.

Go to Hopin to add it to your booth

In the booth, you will be able to add a link to the button in the booth. Just paste your PinChat link in this button, and tell your visitors to connect with you directly with the PinChat link.


Or, go to the chat section and pin the link over there. Make sure the visitors to your booth are able to contact you and start a quick chat anytime.

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Start chatting